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Die Kraft feiner Energien nutzen:  Ein Pendel-Dowsing-Workshop

Die Kraft feiner Energien nutzen: Ein Pendel-Dowsing-Workshop

Erleben Sie eine umfassende Einführung in die Kunst des Pendelns und der Radiästhesie. Lernen Sie, wie Sie dieses kraftvolle Werkzeug nutzen können, um beispielsweise Ihre Intuition zu schärfen, klare Entscheidungen zu treffen sowie Energien zu transformieren und zu übertragen.

Somatic & Psychedelic Consciousness: Foundation, Therapy, Integration

Somatic & Psychedelic Consciousness: Foundation, Therapy, Integration

Module of Consciousness Studies focusing on modern therapeutic use of psychedelics and somatic modalities.

Femtheogenic Consciousness: Oracles, Witches, Shamans

Femtheogenic Consciousness: Oracles, Witches, Shamans

A journey into feminine consciousness and embodied way of knowing.

Friedvolle Krieger Workshop

Friedvolle Krieger Workshop

Ein Friedvoller Krieger verkörpert die Vereinigung von innerem Frieden und äusserer Stärke, indem er Konflikte mit Gelassenheit und Weisheit bewältigt. Statt gewaltsamer Auseinandersetzungen strebt er nach harmonischen Lösungen und nutzt seine Kraft, um positive Veränderungen zu bewirken.

In the Name of Ice: A Journey to Protect Glaciers

In the Name of Ice: A Journey to Protect Glaciers

Join us for a screening of In the Name of Ice, a documentary about Marcela Fernández’s fight to save Colombia’s last glaciers, followed by an engaging conversation on climate change and glacier protection.

Shaping Future with Values Based Decisions & Leadership - Zurich

Shaping Future with Values Based Decisions & Leadership - Zurich

The 2.5 days program takes an inner journey of curiosity and awareness for making values-driven decisions and transitioning to a future we would like to thrive in.

Leading with Psychological Safety for High Performance Culture - Zürich

Leading with Psychological Safety for High Performance Culture - Zürich

The 2.5 days program provides systemic leadership techniques for creating psychologically safe spaces and building a culture of learning and high performance through a service mindset.

Leading with Resilience for Optimal Performance - Zürich

Leading with Resilience for Optimal Performance - Zürich

The 2.5 days program takes an inner journey of curiosity and awareness for developing resilience and embedding a growth mindset to navigate the complexities of the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world.

Elevating Team and Stakeholder Collaboration (for New Managers) - Zürich

Elevating Team and Stakeholder Collaboration (for New Managers) - Zürich

The 2.5 days program prepares new managers to build high-performing teams and manage stakeholders in a service-oriented way.

Navigating Complexity and Becoming a Strategic Advisor (Advanced) - Zurich

Navigating Complexity and Becoming a Strategic Advisor (Advanced) - Zurich

The 2.5 days program empowers professionals with the skills to master strategic decision-making and excel as effective strategic advisors in complex business environments.

Intuition Ignited and Personal Mastery

Intuition Ignited and Personal Mastery

Explore existential questions, life’s purpose, and the hidden potential within. The workshop provides a series of ancestral shamanic rituals designed to enhance perception, communication, and awareness, lead-ing participants to deeper self-realization and harmony with their environment.

Masters of Consciousness: Shamans, Mystics, Meditators, and Psychonauts

Masters of Consciousness: Shamans, Mystics, Meditators, and Psychonauts

Over the ages, individuals from diverse traditions have mastered their consciousness to explore the depths of the mind and the nature of reality.

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