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OBJECTIVE: Learn to develop inner resilience and embed a growth mindset to navigate the complexities of the VUCA world in a meaningful flow state


TARGET: Mid-level Managers to Senior Executives

MODALITY: 2.5 days, face-to-face.

COST: CHF 1850/- (VAT Exempt)

UPCOMING: Feb 26/27, 2025; Zurich

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CERTIFICATE: "Advanced Resilient Leadership Certificate," by MQ Learning, an EduQua-certified educational institute under the accreditation scheme for continuing education in Switzerland. 



Four 3.5 hours modules and half-day case study session 

MODULE 1: 3.5 Hrs

Developing Resilience & Growth Mindset

  • Tap into the actions and awareness which has helped you in past situations. 

  • Develop the ongoing resilience using Joanna Macy's "Spiral that reconnects." The model has four steps of gratitude, honoring our pain, seeing with new eyes, and going forth.

  • Deepen the growth mindset to see the failures as learning and growth opportunities.

MODULE 3: 3.5 Hrs

Nurturing Flow States for Creative Decisions

  • Understand the evidence of flow states and the conditions required to be in flow states.

  • Recognize flow states and the resulting change in the output.

  • Generate flow states by reducing barriers and adapting to changing situations. 

MODULE 2: 3.5 Hrs

Cultivating Practices for Resilient Actions

  • Embrace the change and need to innovate yourself with changing times and situations continuously.

  • Develop an action plan for integrating resilience into daily operations and long-term planning.

  • Implement personal practices that encourage resilient actions and engage networks and the community for sustainable impact.

MODULE 4: 3.5 Hrs

Embracing Constant Self-Awareness

  • Be aware of your state of being in every decision, action, and interaction.

  • Reflect on personal practices and the measures required to generate the flow states.

  • Implement your practices and embrace the constant shift.

  • Adaptability and flexibility: Become more adaptable and flexible in your thinking and behavior. You would be able to quickly adjust your plans and strategies when faced with unexpected circumstances or challenges, increasing your chances of success.

  • Emotional well-being: Manage and regulate their emotions and stress effectively. You would be able to cope with stress, setbacks, and disappointments, improving mental health and emotional well-being.

  • Better relationships: Have stronger interpersonal skills, empathy, and understanding.

  • Improved problem-solving skills: Approach challenges with a positive mindset, seek alternative solutions, and persevere through obstacles. You would be able to think creatively and find effective.





Deepak aims to bring humanistic elements to our working life. He stands at the intersection of Business (MBA HSG Switzerland), Technology (MTech India), and Humanities (MA Philosophy California). With 15+ years in the corporate world, he has held Executive positions (COO, Director) in Consulting and Multinationals. He grew up in Strategic Consulting roles (from Consultant to Associate Partner) and has also led Learning & Development for a Strategic Consulting practice. 


Deepak Bansal Profile Pic


Having a career spanning 35 years in academia, financial services + technology, Robert is the CEO of the European operations and Swiss campus of CEIBS, (China Europe International Business School) Asia’s leading business school. He was the Head of Talent Management + Leadership Development for Europe at Oerlikon, Director of Education at the Swiss Finance Institute, Head of Strategy + Operations Consulting at KPMG. Robert worked for 7 years at Credit Suisse as COO in the Private Bankings’ divisions largest market area.


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Marcus K, Business Director, UBS

The program helped me to self-reflect on my current situation and supported me to consciously set direction forward. Interesting anecdotes, personal experiences, and frameworks to uncover my inner values helped me set meaningful action commitments to achieve my goals and make the best of my future.  


Elizabeth M., Founder Schiffkorb

During the program, I had come up against some pretty hard stuff and allowed it to layer itself on top of me to the point I was trapped within. I achieved great changes and was also given techniques to take home to use, meeting my fellow classmates and the experiences of the group sharing. An amazing journey discovering myself and changing my mindset.


Vincent I., Cofounder, Kapsly

The program helps me not only to identify my values, but also to see how I can incorporate them into my decisions. For me, this is an enormously important aspect of being able to make good decisions in the long term.

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